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4.8 ( 6848 ratings )
Medicinsk Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Philippe Camus

Cardiotox: The free drug-induced and iatrogenic cardiovascular toxicity App.

Cardiotox was built from 4,800 (as of Dec, 2020) published articles on cardiovascular toxicity. Cardiotox is maintained and updated regularly. During construction (starting in Dec, 2020), section XII in ‘Pneumotox®’ (the free companion App of Cardiotox), will host current data on CV toxicity.

Cardiotox can be accessed by suspected/causative drug (using INN), chemical, substance of abuse, herbal therapy or by pattern of involvement.

Although Cardiotox is an aid to the recognition and diagnosis of drug- and substance-induced CV toxicity, ultimate diagnosis and causality assessment rest under user’s responsibility.

Cardiotox staff can be contacted for further information.

Built and maintained by Philippe Camus, MD. Professor - Dijon, France.